
Letter From The Editor: Updates!

Hi Readers!

   We know you are all probably freaked by lack of posts on the site, but if you have been following us on Twitter and Facebook we have been talking about the big move from Blogger to WordPress. Unfortunately it’s not one of those D.I.Y projects (not for me at least!) so it’s taking a little longer than we expected and for that we sincerely apologize.

Being that we are becoming a lot bigger business wise the move is necessary at this point and not to mention our one year anniversary is rolling around! Which calls for a face-lift and updates to show our progress over the year. With that being said we are currently in the process of finding a web designer to create the perfect website.The Apiary family is expecting to have this process complete sometime in the month of June the exact date is TBA. Once the new site is up and running no more dry spells we will be in full effect!

In the meantime you can follow us to keep track of all things going on with Apiary of NYC on the following:

You can also email us with inquiries of any kind at: apiaryofnyc@gmail.com.

More updates coming soon, but that’s all for now!

Honey Bee xx